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Arapahoe County Extension provides trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.

Agriculture   arrow

Agriculture and Natural Resources

CSU Extension provides information on growing crops, raising livestock, conserving soil and water, managing a farm or ranch, and living in a rural environment. Whether you are an “old-hand” at producing commercial crops and livestock, or just getting started living on your acreage, making informed decisions is important for your future sustainability.


building farmers-edited

Colorado Building Farmers
Building Capacity, Building Community! Beginning Farmers and ranchers learn critical business planning and management skills while gaining access to several important producer networks.



Small Acreage Management
Information on pasture management, weeds, selecting crops and livestock and environmental factors that affect your land and natural resources.


Agriculture & Business Management
Information and tools for agricultural records and financial decisions, managing operations and risks, market planning and estate planning.


soil-editedPlant, Water & Soil Testing Lab
Landowners can request soil analysis and suggestions from CSU for improving crop or plant growth.


Extension Natural Resources Programs
The Natural Resources program provides information on soil, wildlife, water, forests, fire and more.


Veterinary Extension
Click here to find information on livestock and equine health information and veterinary expertise.


Check out current programs being offered through Extension along with hot topics.