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Volunteer Spotlight – Mary Beth Patterson

Colorado Master Gardener℠ (CMG) volunteers are a dedicated group of individuals who are knowledgeable and passionate about sharing gardening, landscape and horticulture education. This month we are highlighting Mary Beth Patterson.

When did you join the Colorado Master Gardener program and why did you join?

I became a volunteer in 1997. I joined the program to learn more about gardening and when I retired (2/1/2022) my goal was to be a Master Gardener for my “second” career.

What is your favorite CMG activity and why?

Volunteering at Hudson Gardens is my favorite activity. I love to play in the dirt, and I continue to learn so much from the team leaders, Debbie Moody, Kathi Thistlethwaite and Donna Farley-Wade.

What is your favorite part of the CMG program and why?

The continuing education. For example, when I re-took the pruning workshop two years ago, I discovered that pruning has changed a lot since I first took the class in 1997. I enjoy keeping up with the changing continuing education information.

Do you have a funny gardening story to share?

I have a seven-foot fence around my flower garden to keep out the deer. I also have construction wire wrapped around the bottom of the fence to keep the rabbits out. I looked out my kitchen window one morning to see a rabbit perched on the arm of my outdoor couch trying to figure out how to jump from the couch through the fence and over the construction wire to get at my flowers. Fortunately, the couch was far enough away from the fence that the rabbit was unsuccessful at breaching my fence. The rabbit tried several times before giving up. Never knew rabbits had brains!

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