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What’s in Your (Indoor) Garden?

By Kathi Thistlethwaite, Colorado Master Gardener

Fungus gnats

These small, mosquito-like insects can be seen around houseplants starting in the fall and continuing through the winter. Their larvae feed on algae, fungi and plant roots in growing media, particularly those containing large amounts of peat moss. They do not bite and are considered a nuisance when present in large numbers. Effective management techniques include allowing growing media to dry between watering, especially the top two or three inches, and the use of yellow sticky cards. Adult females are attracted to yellow and easily captured on the cards. Be persistent.

Fungus gnats on sticky trap, Photo:


Anthurium is a stunning tropical plant whose colorful portion is a modified leaf called a spathe. Protruding from the spathe is the spadix, a spike of densely packed flowers.

The spathes of Anthurium are traditionally pink or bright red, pure white, salmon, and a combination of white, pink, and green. They are easy to grow in bright, indirect light when watered thoroughly. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering. Very little fertilizer is required. Let the root system fill the container before transplanting.

Read more about Anthurium here.

Bringing the outside in for the holidays

Details for permits to cut down a beautiful, natural Christmas tree, supplying logs for the fireplace, and sustaining and renewing Colorado forests can be found here.


Don’t forget pointsettias. Here’s information about the history of this iconic holiday plant and how to choose a healthy one to last throughout the holidays.

For the gardeners who have put the garden to bed for the season but still want to grow plants during the winter, bring the garden indoors with the help of CSU and this link, not just for the holidays.

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