The Arapahoe County Plant Diagnostic Clinic
- 2020-04-27
- By mkirk
- Posted in Colorado Master Gardener, The Garden Buzz
By Jeff Cole, Colorado Master Gardener
Does your crabapple tree have sick branches that look like this?

This crabapple tree is showing signs of fire blight. Fire blight is a bacterial disease that affects some of the plants in the rosacea (Rose) family, especially apples, pears and crabapples. Some years, we can see large infestations of the disease in Arapahoe County.
Do you have these bugs on your houseplants?

This is a photo of mealy bugs. They can be found on plants both inside and outside the home but are more problematic on indoor plants where there are no natural predators to gobble them up.
Specially trained Colorado Master Gardener volunteers and horticultural staff provide plant diagnosis for a small fee. After a careful and thorough examination of the plant or insect, we will contact you to discuss the issue and possible remedies if necessary. The diagnosis can be completed typically in five days.
The Diagnostic Clinic can assist homeowners with insect problems, plant disease, insect and plant identification and a multitude of other problems faced by homeowners.
Consider your lawn. Does it ever look like this? Well, probably not yours, but your neighbor’s?

We can diagnose turf problems too. This one happens to be caused by turf mites. They can be especially active during a dry fall and winter. They will absolutely destroy sections of your lawn. We can even tell you how to prevent this from happening without pesticides.
How about bugs? Do you have uninvited guests in your house or in your yard? Maybe this guy?

This is a bed bug. We can tell you if you have these notorious creatures, or if it is something more benign.
And how about those weeds or other plants you may have growing in your yard? Do you want to know what they are? Do you want to know how to get rid of them?

This one is purslane commonly found in the summer months. Purslane produces seeds that can remain viable in the soil for up to 40 years. Photo:
The Arapahoe County Plant Diagnostic Clinic provides all these services for a small fee. The Clinic is available to the public for the sole purpose of assisting homeowners and educating the public.
If you have a plant problem, or need a plant or insect identified, contact the Arapahoe County Plant Diagnostic Clinic:
6934 S. Lima Street, Suite B
Centennial, CO 80112
M-F 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
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