The Lima Plaza Pollinator Garden is Underway!
- 2019-09-13
- By danibash
- Posted in The Garden Buzz
By Lucinda Greene, Colorado Master Gardener℠ Program Coordinator

The Lima Plaza Pollinator Garden is underway! After several months dedicated to design, planning, development approvals, fundraising, and bidding the Colorado Master Gardenerssm in Arapahoe County are ready to start the planting the garden. Groundbreaking is set for 9/11/2019 at 8:00 a.m.
The Lima Plaza Pollinator Garden is a 2200 square foot space surrounding the CSU Extension office in Arapahoe County. This teaching garden is designed to provide education about the impact of pollinators in our ecosystem, the use of native and low-water plants that can attract pollinators, and alternative uses for non-practical turf areas.
Over 60 species, including Littleaf Mountain Mahogany, Leadplant, and several varieties of Penstemon will be planted in the garden. Interpretative signage about plant characteristics, care and maintenance, and the specific pollinators attracted to each plant will be included in the garden. According to information from the Division of Motor Vehicles, located adjacent to the Pollinator Garden, almost 100,000 citizens visit the Lima Plaza complex annually. Master Gardener volunteers will also begin work this fall to develop classes and tours for this teaching garden to begin in 2020. Volunteers will be responsible for the on-going maintenance of the garden.
Master Gardener volunteers, along with Alameda Wholesale Nursery, Pioneer Landscape Materials, Keesen Landscape Management, O’Toole’s Nursery, Tagawa Nursery, and Wilmore Nursery contributed to the garden. The project would not have been possible without collaboration from the Arapahoe County Facilities Management Department and the Planning Department. Additional contributions will keep the garden self-sustaining. Contributions for the project may be made payable to the Arapahoe County Foundation. Contact Lucinda Greene at 303-730-1920 for information on how to contribute. All donations are tax-deductible.
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